Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mastering Family History Blog

According to my wife I spend too much time on the computer, and while that may be true it is amazing to me what there is to find.
This brings me to tell you about one of my new discoveries.  I was looking to find information to help with the Sunday school class we are having on how to do family history, and I came across a really nifty site.  It is Titled "Mastering Family History".  Well that topic is all over the internet but what is unique here tis that this is someone that apparently is a member of the church that has been fairly involved in getting his stake to use the New Family Search  Well there is an entire series of Video Lessons there that show you in pretty good detail how to use the new church site.

Now, of course if I was going to do the instruction they would move a little faster and possibly change the presenter every so often but bless this guys heart he did a pretty good job of making a self help site.  Check it out!!   and book mark it.