Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Rootsweb - was started in 1982 by volunteers and family history enthusiast and it has never stopped adding information that is posted by it’s over 70,000 volunteers. It is full of information about how to do and find things. Rootsweb will give you a free site to post your family history on a website. They have over 3000 surname mailing lists. If you were looking for information on a Thompson line for example, you could subscribe to Thompson-L@rootwsweb.com once you have subscribed to the list you post (email) a query or question. Currently there are 1325 other people that are subscribed to the list all over the world who are also interested in the line. Your email would be forwarded to everyone of them. If they had an answer to your question or wanted further information they would email you back, but a copy of their reply would be sent to every other member of the list. These chained letter are called threads, and before you know it you are in contact with others that are also working on your line and are more than happy to help and share and work on your query. It is completely free from spam and you can only type information in, no attachments are allowed to be sent and the Rootsweb servers block hackers and advertisers from using the list. Last month Rootsweb forwarded just over 700 million email messages, all of them went to someone interested and looking for more information or looking for other researchers to share their information with. If you don’t know if you want to subscribe to a list you can read the archived messages that have been sent in the past.

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